(An association of Old Students of G.M.C)
Old students are integral part of any institution. They are lasting shadow of their Alma mater. The character, quality, qualification and skills inherited from parent institution play vital role in life and are guiding force of success in career. Feeling of brotherhood, enduring bond of friendship, love and affection amongst fellow college men is beyond imagination. With the background of these noble thoughts, it is customary to have an association of old students of an institution, so that the relations with fellow men and parent institution are renewed, strengthened and made everlasting.
I take this opportunity to relate the birth of this august organization of ours. The origin may be traced to year 1984 when the idea of forming an Association of Gandhi Medical College old students came to the mind of some old students of this institution, and a body was formed under the Presidentship of Dr. K.N. Sharma, a student of first batch, and it was named as " GMC Alumni". Unfortunately due to unforseen reasons this association could not function effectively and remained silent till 1990.
It was the natural desire of a number of old students of Gandhi Medical College to form an association of old students of the college so that all the old students could be discovered, rediscovered and could be given opportunities to renew the affiliation with their Alma-matter and fellow college mates.

At the out set of 1990, sensing and appreciating this natural desire of old students,some young and energetic former guys like Dr. N.D. Gargava, Dr. B.P. Dubey and with patronizing guidance of seniors like Dr. S.C. Jain, K.N. Sharma, M.M. Gupta, S.S. Yesikar, etc. came forward to revive the old association which was virtually dormant during these years. For this cause a meeting was called on 14-1-1990 to spell out aims and objectives. This meeting was chaired by Dr. S.C. Jain and was largely attended by ex-students and response was overwhelming. In this meeting it was decided to activate the old association, and to give it a new name and dimension. In this meeting it was also decided to frame new constitution. Guidelines for functioning were also decided. New ad hoc body was constituted with Dr. B.P. Dubey as its convener. This ad hoc body started functioning with great zeal and enthusiasms. This was the first positive step of progress of the association.
The next meeting was held on 9-2-1990. In this meeting the association was renamed as "Alumni of Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal" and draft constitution was approved and adopted by the general body.Dr. A.K. Shrivastava and Dr. S.A.S. Kazmi where instrumental in drafting the constitution. Association was registered on 20th July 1990
The first election of the office bearers was held in September 1990 in accordance with the constitution and following were elected unanimously:
President :Dr. B.P. Dubey, Vice President: Dr. S.K. Saxena & Dr. C.C. Choubal, Secretary : L. A.K. Shrivastava, Jt. Secretary :Dr. G.D. Tiwari, Treasurer :Dr. B.G. Mahajan Executive Members were :Dr. L.P. Singh, Dr. (Mrs.) S. Govila, Dr. S. A.S. Kazmi, Dr. Y.R. Sharma, Dr. N.A. Shah, Dr. S.C. Jain, Dr. K.N. Sharma, Dr. S.A. Ansari, Dr. M.M. Gupta, Dr. U.C. Tiwari, Dr. S.S. Yesikar, Dr. P. Rajani, Dr. H.H. Trivedi and Dr. R.S. Verma were nominated as advisors.
The General body nominated Dr. N.D. Gargava as convener of the association in recognitions of his pivotal role in formation of the association. It was his original thought which was transformed into reality. Since then he is a driving force in the association activities. This sent function is fruit of his untiring efforts and hard work.
After assuming a concrete shape the association started functioning in full swing for implementation of its aims and objectives. This was the next positive step toward the path of progress. At this juncture the seed of progress of organization was sown and to celebrate it the association organized a function" Beejaropan". This function was indicative of our existence d progress in organizational activities.
As it is the rule of nature, this "seed" germinated and indicated a further growth and development of "the plant". The association activities gained momentum day by day which was recognized and appreciated by all. To express this further progress, the association organized the next glittering function on 19th April 1992 and named it " Ankur", which was a symbol of advancement of the association. This was also largely attended.
Intervening period was period of silence and lull, as certain unprecedented conditions were prevailing in city . The next christening function, indicative of growth and development was celebrated in the year 1994 and was named as" Pallava". This event was also attended by large number of ex-students form all corners of the country. Alumni of GMC enjoyed the function, refreshed and revived the sweet memories of those golden days, shared the views and experiences amongst themselves ensuring everlasting bond of friendship and brother hood. In this function former teachers were remembered and honoured by the association. Some of the ex-students who have distinguished themselves by their achievements were specially honoured.
Subsequent period after this function was followed by a bit slower growth but active in searching the old students and collecting their whereabouts. The process was successful and large number of address and whereabouts were traced by the association within the country and abroad.
During this period regular activities were continued and the association was under command of stalwarts amongst the alumni who ran the association effectively and kept the momentum on.
- Dr. S.C. iain. Dr. S.S. Yesikar. Dr. G.P. Saxena lead the association during these years , with Dr. D.K. Verma, Dr. M.M. Nanda, Dr. Rajesh Patel and Dr. K.S. Bhudhwani as Secretaries. During this period association strived from strength to strength and gradually assumed the present status.
To maintain the continuity the association organized yet another colourful function in ityear 2003 which again refreshed the old memories. The function was given name" Nirantar" to denote the continuity of activities.
A chapter was added in the annals of the history of the association, when a quarterly news magazine "Maitry", a symbol of friendship and interaction was started by the association. Publication of magazine is regular and is being dedicated batch wise. I have no hesitation to pen here that the publication of magazine is almost one man production that of Dr. N. D. Gargava. Not only in levis of ideas of conception, not also in levis of hard labour and economical inputs the credit goes to him. The publication of the magazine is certainly a milestone towards the path of all round progress of the association.
The present office bearers took over the charge of association during the middle of year 2004 with Dr. N.D. Gargava and Dr. D.K. Satpathy as President and Secretary respectively. Gandhi Medical College was heading towards completion of 50 years of its glorious existence. Arduous task before this body was to organize the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, a traditional event of any institution. It was a challenge to organize tine grand function befitting to the name and glory of this great institution. It is not an exaggeration of fact that the present executive body headed by Dr. Gargava accepted the challenge and is organizing this grand gala function along with Gandhi Medical College to the best of its kind, of which you are the real witnesses.
"Alumni of Gandhi Medical College', an association of old students has achieved its present status by constant efforts and with sincere desire to run by its members and has established as a forum for fellow alumni, where they can assemble refresh dim memories and renew relationship with the college and also strengthen the bond of enduring friendship and brotherhood with their fellow college mates. We believe that with your cooperation and good wishes, "Alumni of Gandhi Medical College" will continue to strengthen in the path of progress and flourish to its maximum in years to some We will be departing to our destination. Let us do something excellent to mitigate human sufferings and leave our footprints in the sand of time. There cannot be a noble job other than selfless service. If we stand to this mote we shall deserve the blessings of our college, a temple of our learning, whom we cannot forget in our life.
I conclude my submissions with concluding lines of a poem
करोड़ो लोग अपने लिए जीते है
सुख और दुःख में सोम रस पीते है
किन्तु तुम्हे दुनिया के आंसुओ को पीना है
अपने साथ साथ औरो के लिए जीना है