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ABOUT COLLEGE - The Flame that Defied Death



-Dr. R.S. Verma

I recall to the memories of the year 1965 when we the final year students of M.B.B.S., were staging a play "RESHMA" on the occasion of College's Annual Day Celebration. In the play a Muslim Kashmiri Girl " RESHMA" was in love with a Hindu boy and the boy was later on poisoned by her relatives. As soon she hears the new of his death, she also dies while gazing at a candle. Something strange happened as our another class mate SARLADHAR who hailed from Kashmir & who was to play as RESHMA, but could not participate because of her illness, died at the same moment in real life as "RESHMA" collapsed in the drama on stage. Later on when after the show was over, a group photograph of the artist was taken and to our surprise we noticed a lighted flame of candle (in circle) four feet above the ground, unsupported & not held by any one in front of "RESHMA" the girl of the play. Probably the soul by SARLA had to leave her bodily frame before the mighty wind of destiny but the spirit of her life bounced back on the stage as lighted candle through the lense of camera to evidence that SARLA did honour her commitment to play" RESHMA".


Late Miss Sarla Dhar (1964) Tribute Paid to Departed Soul of Late Miss Sarla Dhar (1964 ) Tribute Paid to Departed Soul of Late Miss Sarla Dhar (1964 )
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