Reminiscences of Silver Jubilee
Dr S.S. Yesikar
Ex- Professor & Head Departments of Medicine Gandhi Medical College,Bhopal
Chief Governor Silver Jubilee Celebration
25 years back on 22nd to 24th December 1980 the students, staff & the residents of Bhopal very gracefully celebrated the Silver Jubilee of
Gandhi Medical College Bhopal. The college & its various departments were renovated and decorated like a new bride. It was a great moment full of feeling of gratitude for those who were involved in the bringing up of this new institution. Mr. Arjun Singh, the then Chief Minister of MP was the Chief guest & he inaugurated the celebrations. Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, who was instrumental in the creation of this college, was specially remembered. He very kindly came and took part in the celebration & unveiled the Memento, which was specially designed by Prof. R.P. Bhargava, the then Professor of Physiology. The memento was fixed at the entrance of main gate of college & it reminds us of the history of Silver Jubilee everyday & encourages us to do more & more for the humanity & pursuit of knowledge.
Dr. Santokh Singh was Dean of the college. He was Professor & Head Department of Ophthalmology. Later on he was promoted to the post of Medical Advisor & Secretary, Department of Health by the Govt. of MP. At that time the enthusiasm of other Heads of the various Departments was admirable. Following were the Heads-

Dr. R.K. Jain (Anatomy) Dr. R.P. Bhargava (Physiology), Dr. S.A. Bhambal( Biochemistry), Dr. A.Q. Saify (Pharmacology), Dr. P.L. Tandon (Pathology), Dr. Mrs. C.Bose (PSM), Dr. Heeresh Chandra (Forensic Medicine), Dr. N.P. Misra (Medicine), Dr. K.D. Koshal (Surgery), Dr. Mrs. S. Benawari(Obst. & Gyane.) , Dr. Santokh Singh (Ophthalmology),Dr .
O.P. Sharma (Orthopaedics), Dr. N.R. Bhandari ( Pediatrics), Dr. J. - Gulati (ENT), Dr. S.S. Ahuja (Dentistry), Dr. Mrs. S. Mehta Ti. (Anaesthesia). Dr. N.R. Bhandari was the Student Union Advisor LJ & Professor In charge of the I I1 Celebration Committee. Dr. S.S. Yesikar (Reader in Medicine) was the Chief Convenor. Dr M.M. Gupta (Reader in Surgery) & Dr. K.N. Sharma (Reader in Medicine) were the Co- convenors. All the Heads of the Departments were Chairmen of various sub committees & everybody participated in a very active ay. As a result of all this the Silver Jubilee Celebrations were a grand success.
The Students Union was very active & the Jubilee function had become "Arjun's Eye' for them. They arranged various All India Inter Medical and Inter college competitions in Sports and Cultural 'Program s very successfully. The students representative who took active part were Shri Arvind Joshi (President), Shri Pradeep Chourey
(Vice President), Shri Ayaz Ahmed t Secretary), Shri LB. Mathew (Jt. Secretary), Ku. Anita Kanwar (Girls Representative). Junior Doctor's Representatives were, Dr. Umendra Mohan Sharma & Dr. Mohan Parikh. All the ex students, teachers & workers were honored on the occasion for their contribution.
The residents of Bhopal for the first time visited the various departments of the college & witnessed the making of Doctors by knowing the curriculum. For them special exhibitions of departments was exhibited inside the various departments. A lot of crowd was seen in departments of Anatomy & PSM, were they saw human bodies and their parts & programmes of sanitation & Prevention of diseases & National Programmes.
It was a great event. It can be argued that such celebrations should be organised more often to developed more awareness, feeling of co-operation & enthusiasm among young ones to do more & more fruitful things us life which are very much essential for making of doctors. This college is associated with names of great men & leaders of this country like Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Govind Vallabh Pant, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma & Teachers of eminence like Dr. D.N.S Choudhary, Dr. K.N. Bhargava, Dr. S.M. Misra & many others whose Principles shall always guide us & glorify the institution. It is up to us to take advantages of them.