About our Batch
Our batch was admitted in the year 1955.Only 50 students, 40 boys and 10 girls were admitted. At that time Bhopal state was a Part ‘C’ state, therefore students from all across the country from Kashmir to down south to Gujarat to Sikkim, were admitted on merit and personal interview basis. The college was started in a make shift part of the Polytechnic College & boys hostel was started in the building which now is a posh Jehan- Numa Palace Hotel.Staff members were also from various states, some of them were retired teachers.
The Dress Code was immaculate white pants & white shirts & polished shoes. Since we did not have seniors to guide us, we all adopted the norms as all of us may have known from other medical colleges. Very Soon we mixed up with each other.
Apart from our academic pursuit we have a fair share of sports & cultural activities etc. One of the most enjoyable activities was celebration of Holi Festival. We all ( boys & girls together) gathered, hired a truck and went to all teachers houses. One of us Dressed as a women & we introducewd him to our teachers as “Bhabhi”. Our teachers also fully enjoyed the fun.
We all graduated in 1960 and except a few many went for house job and other jobs outside Bhopal. Some of us got job in Medical Colleges & other settled into other jobs & private practice,4 went to U.K. and 4 to U.S.A .

One of us, namely Dr. S.C Jain became the first professor in Medicine Head of Department in the same college from where he graduated in 1955.
Other ,Dr. V.V. Kakkar earned a great name in the international medical field. He became Professor & Head of Surgery in King’s College, London a Huntarian Professor& later Founder Director of the prestigious Thrombosis research institute of London.
As time passed on some of us became professor Readers, Directors of Health Service & some made name in practice. But time also took as 13 of us left for heavenly abode and are no more in the world.
For Years very few of us were in contact with each other .Then came the golden Jubilee of the college in 2005.Out of 50 only 40 were alive and 38 could be contacted. It was heartening to see that 30 of us participated in the event including all 4 from U.K. and all 4 from U.S.A. A directory of names, addresses was also published. Now most of us are in contact with each other at that time we resolved that we should have a get together every year. As a result we are meeting almost every year at various places. Now we share our lives with each other as we used to share in 1955 i.e. about 60 years.
Write up By
Dr. S.C Jain