• • Consideration of patient dignity and privacy during examination, procedures and treatment
  • • Protection from physical abuse and neglect
  • • Confidentiality of hospital care and clinical information
  • • Right to refuse the treatment
  • • Obligatory informed consent before anesthesia, blood and blood product transfusions and any invasive high risk procedure/treatment
  • • Information and consent before initiating any research protocol
  • • Information on how to voice a complaint Information on expected cost of treatment
  • • Access to his/her clinical record.


  • • Providing, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, alternative therapy and other matters relating to your health
  • • Reporting unexpected changes in your condition to your doctor or nurse
  • • Informing your doctor or nurse if you do not understand the plan of treatment and what is expected of you
  • • Knowing and following the treatment plan prescribed by your medical team
  • • Making and keeping appointments and notifying the appropriate staff when unable to do so
  • • Accepting responsibility for outcomes related to refusing treatment or not following the medical team’s instructions
  • • Paying your bill promptly
  • • Demonstrating consideration for the rights of visitors staff and other patients (including another patient’s right to confidentiality)
  • • Respecting hospital property and the property of other persons.